
By mollymay49

Easter Sunday with a difference

We wasn't quite sure what to expect for our Easter Sunday where we usually have a family BBQ and catch up day.
We were woken with the sound of my mobile, it was Ruby & Deklan on a face time, we were soon wide awake watching them scour their garden on a Easter egg hunt, lots of chatter and excited faces with every egg they found, there mum & Dad had pitched a tent in the garden the night before where they all had a BBQ and a chill out in the tent, it looked very cosy. Ruby counted her eggs shared a few with Deklan after a bit of encouragement, she's not big on sharing, her brother would give her his last egg, chalk and cheese are those two.
We had a face time with Gareth and Lucy a little later, she had already collected scores of little eggs and a few not so little, she had one or two games origami and pom pom animals, new colouring pencils and books, things to do during their isolation away from family and friends, nevertheless she was so excited, couldn't wait to get into the eggs, little choco-olic..
Sara and family also face timed, Keely & Jaxon had called round distancing themselves in the garden, we were all chatting in the garden! they did a fly by later in the car, Cobey did an olive hunt from the trees in the park opposite another project that will keep him busy, Koen was just about to walk into the play area he was showing his girl Gillian where he grew up playing in the park, on his Nanna days, he wasn't happy to see it all taped off they didn't dare set foot in there. Jacob climbed trees shaking the olives form the branches for his Dad, he will never be too old to climb trees i'm sure! Sara hung on the gate chatting, watching, laughing. 
That was our family Easter Sunday catch up, not so bad and after all, how lucky we are! 
Happy Easter Sunday Everyone, i hope you are all as lucky.. 
A few pics of the young ones sent on to us..

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