The roof terrace

Max has been working very hard making the roof terrace lovely and we’ve taken to having our morning coffee out there together which is lovely.

We spent a lot of time moving things around the house and we have created another reception room on the first floor which now has a television and the PS3 on it which can play videos and we actually spent the evening in there tonight drinking wine and watching a film while the kids played mario kart on the Wii downstairs.

It was a lot of work but very satisfying, in the afternoon Erin spent quite a bit of time in there with the windows open reading, Gulli‘s bedroom is quite big but it does have a lot of guitars and now a recording studio in there so it is going to give her somewhere else to chill during the day where she can be alone.

Wouldn’t be surprised if the lock down restrictions toughen up after the Easter weekend so we need to make sure that the house is working as well as possible for everybody.

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