A Day In The Life

By Irish59

National Siblings Day - belated

Well, I’m a day late, but better late than never, and I’m not even a dollar short! When I saw these two frolicking about in the snow searching for wayward seeds, nuts and acorns I had scattered this morning, I couldn’t help but laugh at their antics. Of course one is always the hunter, the aggressor, and the other is the huntee, or the victim. Same with siblings. In my household growing up, my older brother was no doubt the hunter, and I, the younger, was most definitely the hunted lol. It always started out as fun and games, but it typically went too far and tears would result. And like all siblings, and squirrels, we never learn from our mistakes. My Mother would attempt to referee or warn us about what was about to happen, but we knew better. We couldn’t help ourselves, just like these two. Enjoy your Saturday and be sure to look over your shoulder...

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