The 97th minute :-(

Sonnumbertwo and I left home at 6.30 to pick up the legend that is Gazweasel and travel the 300 plus miles to Middlesboro, briefly stopping off in Harrogate to pick up my friend Richard.

We made good time (although I've got a horrible feeling I might have been flashed by a speed camera on the M25) and arrived in Middlesboro in time for a couple of beers in Dr Browns with a large number of the 797 Shots fans that made the trek.

I'd always thought Middlesboro was a footballing town, but I was hugely disappointed. The ground looks in desparate need of a little TLC and the fans were largely absent. Those that did turn up lacked passion and didn't get involved in the game. The Shots fans however, were magnificent, and at no time did they stop singing their hearts out - even when the cruelest of footballing Gods allowed the Boro to score in the 97th minute of the game. The referree was a disappointment, and the Shots should have had a free kick when the Boro striker nudged our defender off balance in order to gain a couple of yards - which was all he needed in order to score the winning goal.

I've been to many grounds over the years - and sorry, but I would rather go and watch non-league football every day of the week rather than go and watch the Boro play with their plastic ground and plastic fans. The Championship wanting to get into the Premiership? Sorry, you're having a laugh.

The Mighty Shots? Down, but not disheartened. The team, the supporters and everyone involved did us proud

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