River of Flowers

By doffy

Good Friday: On the Beach ...

... as part of my daily “lockdown exercise”. Very high tide making the title false, the beach is under the sea! There’s an extra photo for my kids, enjoy ...
Weather perfect for a walk, sunny and a little hazy. So many very big bumble bees in the hedges and flying over the grass looking for the perfect nesting position.
Saw a small tortoise shell butterfly and an orange tip, just one of each.
Chatted with some of my lovely neighbours, at a safe distance.
Lots of family history stuff today, concentrating on my maternal grandfather going back through 3 generations to 1791.
Wandered around the garden but didn’t do anything, maybe tomorrow?
Our bit of Anglesey is very quiet for Easter, tourists finally getting the message and staying at home :-)
Last night the owls were hooting whilst hunting, hope to hear them again tonight.
Happy Easter Weekend ...
Stay healthy and happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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