Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Virtual Blipmeet!

Teddy was determined to ignore the instruction to “Look to your right and smile!”

How lovely to have a catch-up with this trio of Blip stars this morning! (l-r, Emsie, Teddy and Pokeybagel ) We had a good old natter and compared notes on how we’re coping with these turbulent times, and it was a real tonic! Thanks to all three of them!

Today’s tune has a few convoluted links to this blip. I wanted something I could dedicate to Teddy so I was thinking of a song from the classic Beach Boys album ‘Pet Sounds; and ‘I Just Wasn’t Made For These Times’ seemed a particularly resonant choice... But rather than go for the original, I’ve picked this cover version by Jakob Dylan (yes, son of Bob and Sara Dylan) featuring Beach Boy in chief, Brian Wilson with additional backing vocals from Neil Young (I’m currently reading Young’s memoirs, ‘Waging Heavy Peace’).

Anyway, here’s the song!

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