Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


In Spring Wood, amid a woodland carpet of wood anenome, lesser celandine and the first ramsons and bluebells I found just this one wood sorrel in flower.

Years ago someone introduced me to the delicate lemony flavour of wood sorrel leaves and I usually take a small taste when I see it, but today it seemed a bit rude when the flowers were looking right at me.

No new butterfly species for the year today, but I did see all six of the ones that I've seen so far: peacock, comma, brimstone, small tortoiseshell, small white and orange-tip. I checked for early green hairstreaks along Moorside, but no sign as yet.

There were lots of willow warbler along moorside and chiff-chaffs in the woods. A couple of red kite glided the valley and I came across a pair of grey wagtail in a small boggy stream.

I'm just cooking up a huge pot of leek and potato soup which should sustain me for most of the Easter weekend. I think I'll head out onto the moor for a change tomorrow.

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