My life

By pops


It was lovely this morning to car share with Gemma as we’re both working at the same hospital, it was the first time in 3 weeks I’ve been that physically close to her and although we have seen each other when she dropped off shopping during our isolation we were careful to leave the obligatory 2meters. Obviously that’s not possible in the car together and very difficult in our working environment.

As I waited for her on the corner the sun slowly rose over the houses at the end of the street - a beautiful sunrise to start the day.

Today I spent more time learning about my new ward, and looking after the patients alongside a lovely staff nurse, the guidelines for wearing or not wearing different levels of PPE change constantly, it’s a real juggle finding the correct balance, there seems to be plenty of PPE about at the moment but the peak has not yet hit us and the worry is that the supplies will dwindle when we most need it!

One of the new rules at work is that staff travel to and from work in their own clothes, obviously this makes perfect sense regardless of the current situation but the truth is most areas aren’t set up for it, there are few staff changing areas around the wards and staff toilets tend to be small. Some of my colleagues posted The ‘extra‘ picture today having found the biggest (and possibly cleanest).toilet.
Action has been taken though to set aside some changing areas from tomorrow.

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