POG's Journal


King Edward is buried in my garden.

Hi Everyone,

Yesterday I spent another day in the garden… it seems like such an enormous task to get rid of these brambles… anyway I’m trying to stay focused and keep going… The area of garden I’m working in is at the furthest point from my house and the sun hits it later in the day so that gives me a little while before it gets rather warm. Don’t get me wrong I like the warm weather but more for lazing in rather than working (you can tell I was a pen pusher)

The plan for today is more of the same… No bank holidays for me as every day is one really.

My masterplan to shop every Sunday has gone wrong as the shops will be shut on Easter Sunday so I will hang on until Tuesday. I should be okay for food until then.

As the title of this blip says, “King Edward is buried in my garden”, well the potatoes that take his name… Never grown them in pots so we will see what happens. Once the far end of the garden is under control, I will move them there but for now they are nearer the house.

That’s about it… Enjoy your Easter weekend “AT HOME!

Stay happy, strong and healthy… more tomorrow…


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