5* accommodation .....

A damp morning and a bit chillier .
Once everything was fed, ran the 35 spring calves round from the slatted shed and divided out the Hereford x heifers that we are keeping for bullers . Put them back on the slats but in a different pen to even up the number on each side of the feed passage to help avoid a lot of needless silage shovelling !
Got Kev to dig the lambing caravan out from the back of the hedge and haul it up to the hill ready for when the blackies start. It’s onto it’s second lambing, usually they fall apart after a year or two as they don’t like off roading much , but this one looks like it might do a year or two yet !
After lunch had a mini rodeo and tagged the 3 calves I had managed to get in from the calving field then tagged the pair of twins in the pen belonging to M23, (still a bit over protective ! ) then turfed them back outside too.
Another 2 cows very near to calving, but when I checked them at the darkening they were both stuffing their faces at the silage bale in the feed ring.
Getting cooler again tonight. Spring hasn’t quite sprung yet !

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