MCO day 23

I had a rotten night last night, obsessing over something that I have no control over. It didn't help that Wen was up at 4 banging around in the kitchen.

Good morning in school. We did loads and no tears or tantrums today. A game of skittles on the balcony at break was very popular and used up some energy.

My week day: up at 8, shower, breakfast, school till 1' ish with a break at 11. At some point, if I haven't done then already I wash the previous night's dishes. After lunch the girls do other things and I have a bit of a relax, after I've washed the breakfast and lunch dishes.Today it was bubbles and then paddling pool time then 'Boss Baby' series on Netflix. I sewed and I've got to the half way point on the begonia heart. We eat about 6.30 and then there is a movie (we're working our way through the Star Trek franchise at present) and the girls have their bath and bed about 8.30/9, although it's usually a lot later before they are fully settled.  And if i have the energy, I wash the dinner dishes. Bed about 10 or 10.30, sometimes after a beer. 

Wen was teaching most of the day so tonight I made dinner, chicken inevitably.

Later some Star Trek and Asahi. I'm really tired after a bad night and it's so hot and humid but no rain today. Early night?

The big news today was Meimei's bear, missing in action since last Wednesday, turned up in Jiejie's backpack probably put there by Meimei herself. 

There was also an update on the Movement Order from the High Commission and an offer from Qatar, both of which might become more relevant. 

23 days gone, 5 to go?

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