Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Day 19 A Goldilocks kind of day

Another stunningly beautiful day. I'm officially on Easter holidays now so I spent a large part of the day in the garden as it was so lovely. Not too hot like Sunday. Not too cold like Monday, but just right. Definitely a Goldilocks day!
The new fence panel came bright and early and I managed to manoeuvre it into the garden by myself as the boys were still asleep. I'm going to need to clear some plants before we pop it in place as there's too much in the way and it's very heavy and difficult to handle.
I went on the bike, did some cleaning and did a couple of hours of ironing in the afternoon. Chris and I went for a walk when he got home and I left Kieran in charge of peeling the veg in an attempt to shift him out of his room.
Unfortunately a record number of deaths reported today in the UK at 938 amd there are nearly 1.5 million cases worldwide. On a positive front the number of infections appear to be falling in the UK and Boris is sitting up chatting to staff in intensive care.

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