'n Kiekie 'n Dag

By Sanri

Midweek Braai

C doesn't work on a Wednesday and I took a day off to enjoy the sunshine.

We went to Sainsbury's to get supplies. We went in separately to get enough milk as we are only allowed 2 bottles and we wanted some longlife milk as well. (Now we hear that farmers are throwing away thousands of litres of milk, because there's not enough demand. How does that work?)

We got a bit upset/p'ed off with a family of jammahooters in the store. The mother with a teenage daughter and 2 little ones went in. When the person at the door tried to stop the whole lot from going in, she had an argument with  him, telling him how sick, lame and lazy she was and that they did not have car for the children to wait in. When they left they got into a car with a man and a boy. The boy immediately started shouting at the woman. After the woman unpacked the shopping, the man started the car, the woman took the trolley back and got into the back with the 3 girls. The man then got out, lit a cigarette and smoked it, leaning on the car. All while the engine was idling. They probably have a 4-bedroom council house in which they live in for free.

Then there were another guy who was obviously disabled and had a boy with him to push the trolley. He stood in the queue like the rest of us and didn't use his disability to get special treatment. His humility was awarded by some stiff upper lip snotty comments on his mask, which looked like a skull. 

At either end of the spectrum one get arseholes.

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