River of Flowers

By doffy

Wednesday: Knitting

Grey and overcast morning which cleared by lunchtime.
All the gardening last couple of days has made me very creaky so today was a knitting and family history day. 
Made some progress withe another of my paternal grandmother’s brothers - he is buried on Church Island with his wife and 3 of their children, I was told he’d gone to America so hadn’t investigated any further. One of my DNA cousins is a descendant ... I need to go and track down the gravestone ... when the lockdown ends!
Set of bamboo knitting needles arrived yesterday, 11 for £8 from eBay + free postage, they are lovely and smooth & so nice to use. Knitting another helix hat (see 2 April Blip), might take me a while :-)
Had a lovely surprise this afternoon when my cousin from Aberystwyth phoned. We usually take turns to phone each other at Christmas, not sure what happened last year but we had a huge laugh - when we were teenagers I used to go to stay with him and he used to come over to us, like an extra brother for my brothers and me.
APOLOGY: yesterday was Tuesday, no idea why I put Wednesday on my blip title ... :-(((
Stay healthy and happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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