The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


Bomble is having a sleepover on the jigsaw box!

I've been working on tidying my study, again. I can now see the floor. The carpet is horrible and there is a hole in the floorboards dating back to the time that CleanSteve and his mate fitted a light in the kitchen ceiling, below. The rug that covers the hole does not fit the room. I must look for another rug. But... Walt a minute... the shops are closed. Taking up the carpet would be too much hassle, I'd have to move ALL the bookshelves!

When I've finished the rest of the room, the horror of the desk will have to be tackled. But at least I now feel that progress is being made. Playing music (today the Eagles, and Steely Dan on Spotify) and listening to radio plays helps.

In other news, the warm sunny weather continued. I actually sat put at the front and chatted at great social. distance to our neighbours. Went for a walk to the shop/pub, but the queue was long, so I walked on to the lower cemetery for a walk. Bumped into CleanSteve there, with his camera. Sat down on the grass, but I could feel myself falling asleep, so I went home to cook supper instead.

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