A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Day 25: Calling All Cars

My only image of the day is this: a car that arrived outside early this evening.

The occupant appeared out of the lift on my floor to be welcomed warmly by my neighbour, a Bulgarian of up-until-recently good standing in the community.

However, this was to be his third visitor of the lockdown and the second in 24 hours.

Well, the noise that ensued from next door during the evening has been extraordinary. Loud ethnic music, not to my taste when played quietly, but blasting out as it was, quite awful.

But almost drowned out by the yelling and shouting, and what I suppose they thought was singing.

Until suddenly it stopped about 10 o'clock. Then the door opened and they spilled out into the corridor, my neighbour in red underwear and the guest in face mask and gloves! A very peculiar combination.

I opened my front door and pointed out in a firm tone that he should not have visitors during the lockdown and that next time I would call the police, but I don't think either of them noticed. They fell into the lift together and descended to the garage.

It was all worth while, however, as I watched from my terrace as the visitor staggered down the driveway and then tried to get into the next block's garage. After a short while he gave that up, lurched into a flower bed, and then let gravity propel him down the drive to the main gate.

Which he could not open. He stood there for some time until I used the remote to open the gate. He must have wondered how he had managed that.

It was a short zigzag stagger across the road to his car. He managed to start it, but he got it into reverse at first, which didn't help.

Eventually he lurched off down the road, hitting the curb a couple of times on his way and finally turned up the hill.

Unfortunately there were unlikely to be any patrol cars up there, as it is a dead end and he obviously didn't have far to go.

So while most of us have adhered to a lockdown stricter than just about anywhere else, there will always be some morons who just don't get it.

But they may be responsible for giving it to the rest of us.

Have a safe and happy Easter everybody.

Except the prick next door.

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