Burst Mode

Burst mode is simply when you keep your finger on the shutter and the iPhone takes continuous images until you stop.
It is a wonderful mode to catch action and allows you to look at each frame and choose the one you want.
Todays image was shot in our kitchen sink with The Boss’s iPhone while allowing the tap to drip into the water. A torch was used as additional lighting, NZ has just announced that a total 14 day enforced quarantine awaits any international arrivals from today as our  daily virus status continues  to improve. Idiots who are planning an Easter holiday risk arrest and a fantastic school at home program was announced where the Govt are  going to supply 170,000 laptops to school kids that are “device free” for this program with free modems and broadband for those who have not got it already.
I am totally proud to be an NZSSD....New Zealand Small Stuffed Dog.

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