
Spent most of the day in a virtual promotions committee....orchestrating several committee members and tracking 'chat' columns (including from two other meetings simultaneously at points) as well as wrestling many file-fulls of paperwork. Pretty whacked out by the end but had a break with a chat to Mt&H and view of kids playing (and potty training for Mx -argh!) in the garden in the sunshine. Whilst I have a garden here it's a shared one that has no seats or etc in and you have to go through the basement to get to it so I'm not keen....but very nice to look out and see the ground floor family making use of it this afternoon and chatting to a neighbour over the wall. So miss being able to talk to people face to face (even if socially distanced) rather than on a screen.
It's been a lovely warm sunny day but I've just been holed up all the time, having to make do with a few bouts of exercise where I dash about the flat and swing some weights around/do star jumps etc. At least it makes me giggle but not sure I could do it regularly (how does mrhazelh keep it up?!). Sore throat seems to be receding... only sore first thing and later in the afternoon when the drugs wore off, but definitely a bit better than recently.
More prep for meetings tomorrow and Thursday - some big decisions coming up even though we still don't have any sense of what might happen when - either in the short,. medium or long term. Scenario planning seems impossible but has to be done if we've got any chance of coming through this.

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