Fifth anniversary

It is 5 years today since we completed on our present home. I have blipped a similar picture each year on the anniversary, except last year when I was a day late!!!

The lawn is in a better state than last year, but the protective mesh ‘stuff’ can only help to a certain extent. We will persevere!!!

Who would have thought 5 years ago that the world would be in its present state!!! I’m certainly pleased that we are in this house whilst we are ‘staying at home’ and that I have a sewing room that I can use, then close the door!!! I used the dining room in the old house.....:0(

I went out with B and Amber for a walk this afternoon. Just round our part of the village, not to the football field as that is getting more popular. We saw a mum and two small children on bikes and a cat. The cat was the one that I photographed in our front garden recently. I got a warm welcome (in extras). The fresh air and sunshine were great!!

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