
By Madchickenwoman


Today was my sisters 60th birthday! She had bought herself some nice food and a bottle of fizz and had her new embroidery to start! I had going to make her gifts based on each decade of her life - but that will have to wait till after the pandemic! I was able to tell her I had ordered the box to frame the embroidery when it was finished and she was delighted with that! 
There was a mini drama on our doggy playdate - we were walking past the greenhouse when I noticed a bird caught inside. On going over to release it it flew up, smashed against the glass roof and dropped like a stone. I rushed inside and thankfully found it laying in a big pot of earth! It was still breathing and obviously just stunned, lucky it had a soft landing! I dived back out and got my camera - tell me you wouldn't have done the same! - and took a photo then scooped it into my hands where it began to flutter! The two dogs were desperate to see what I had and my Fellow Dogwalker had to hold them back as I placed it the other side of the fence! It happily hopped further into the hedge! 
Rest of the day I spent reading and Oscar chewing his big bone!

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