
JJ has made a mincemeat tart today, using up the remainder of the jar we had last .......   I won't say "the word" as it's a bit early in the year.

It's been a beautiful day, which I have frittered away sitting in the garden reading Traitor by Rory Clements.  I did do a little weeding but as my back is still giving me trouble, I'm treating it with respect.

Ordnance Survey are offering free black and white downloads of some of the country's cities for colouring in.  I've just printed off Milton Keynes and will have to get out the map and a box of crayons.  I may be gone some time (just in case I go missing from Blip).

Camera Club are busy setting up a Whatsapp group, and also inviting us to join Zoom ready for virtual coffee and biscuits on Thursday morning.  We also have a weekly theme and can upload up to three pictures, so it's keeping everyone busy.

Goodness Boris, you should have been resting instead of trying to run the country, and look where you've ended up. 

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