It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

The Moon

After my shift last night I decided the Moon looked gorgeous and as luck would have it I could see it from my bedroom window. I realised my tripod was in the studio so thought as I was using the D850 Id try it hand held with a 600mm. I wasn't disappointed, it was beautifully sharp with no sign of hand shake at F14 and ISO 200. What a camera it is! So then I had a thought as I have never been able to get sharp shots handheld with the D800. So tried that just to see how bad it would look compared to the D850, but would you believe, it was tack sharp too!! I used the 600mm but it was on ISO 320 and F13 so not that much different but you can't tell the difference between the two shots. I was gobbed smacked as this has never been something I could do before. Anyway it wasted a bit of time before I go to bed ready for my shift tonight.  I will put the two shots on Flickr to see if you can tell the difference.

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