April Fool

This is from the garden. The tree in the distance is an Ash up on the downs. It was the April picture in a calendar Mum once gave me called Famous Trees of East Hampshire!   You can see it from all over the area. Not much April Foolishness on tv or radio today but it seemed to translate into some uplifting silliness.  The BBC re-released their flying penguin spoof.  We managed to prank Laura on our morning video conference though. She totally fell for it and so much laughter. Glorious day. ‘O how this spring of love resembleth, The uncertain glory of an April day, Which now shows all the beauty of the sun, And by and by a cloud takes all away’  This popped up on Twitter.   Shakespeare from Two Gentlemen of Verona and seem ed apt.  It seems that poetry has become quite a thing during all of this. I have been sent 4 different poetry chain letters and have really enjoyed receiving and choosing poems to send. I sent this to an agent friend of mine who came up on my chain and we had a lovely subsequent exchange. 

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