
By astudyinscarlet


not my daffs this time, these lovelies belong to the queen - that's the wall surrounding the grounds of the palace of holyroodhouse (there's a slope on the inside, the daffs aren't perched!). nice hazy afternoon, tho still cold.

sore this morning in places i'd forgotten about after going to the gym yesterday - first time in more then three months! fairly productive day tho: did grocery shopping, cooked sweet and sour prawns and made banana loaf for tomorrow. didn't get to the bank, but did find a skirt in m&s that might do for the wedding i'm going to in october. i do like a bit of forward planning! (if only i could think of what to buy as a gift...)

now i just have to remember i'm working 10-6 tomorrow, not 3-11 and things will be fine... well, as fine as they get at the minute in that place, anyway!

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