horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


So the new chooks have been with us two weeks now, and apart from the fact they should really start earning their keep soon (Lagertha has started crouching when you go to pick her up, which is a sure sign of egg producing starting...) we need to get them moved into the big run with the old girls, and off the little temporary run on the lawn.

So last night they were popped in at dusk (easier to mix them when all they want to do is roost), and remarkably they were all roosting together within a very short time (new girls normally spend the first few nights in the hen house instead). The last couple of times we've done this I've actually camped out to make sure there's not too much noise the next morning, but today I just set the alarm for 6am. 

All was well till about 6.30 when Lexie started taking exception, so I went and let them all free range for a couple of hours, while I took in the peace of the last of the sunrise, and watched for birds and bugs for my garden survey. All quite relaxed really. 

We'll keep them apart again, and then get them roosting together again in the evening. might be a week of this, but with working from home I can get a load of stuff done while listening out for any trouble, long before the emails start properly coming in, dealing with the emails that have come overnight from the US, with the bonus of my work understanding that working patterns for people (mainly those with kids, but applies equally to everyone) may need to shift to what works best for them - so as long as there aren't meetings, and the volume of work doesn't return to the ridiculous levels of the last couple of weeks (it's still mad-busy, but now manageable), then I should be able to knock off early.

But today's Sunday. That's tomorrow's issue.

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