I was all set to go outside yesterday, but I'd no sooner set up my little table and chair than the spots began and then the spots became drops and then …
Things were better today, though it was late in the day by the time I caught some fresh air. The evening sun was doing lovely things to the little tree that's part of the garden do-over that happened this time last year as part of the great do-over my house (or part of it, anyway) had long been waiting for so long for. There's a little story attached to this little tree.
The local authority had spent ages improving the area around the triangle at Goggins pub in Monkstown. The work included planting some trees which look really well at spring time when their blossom appears. I did some research, found what they are (Amelanchier lamarckii, also known as Snowy Mespilus) and asked my landscapers to include one. I'm really glad I did.
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