Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Self Isolation Day 22

More of the same...

On our morning walk to the Meadows, I passed by the cafe, and this time I couldn’t resist shouting to the chap from the door (there were no customers in) asking if they had any cinnamon buns - Yes!

Back home, slightly very puggled, but I was expecting an exciting delivery - my new iPad, which duly arrived. And what a fine piece of kit it is too - I got the big one. JR now has my old one, which is an update from her even older one, so she’s happy. Here’s Archie admiring the new one, which I have just set up from my old one.

JR took Archie out in the afternoon, and another delivery arrived - one that JR ordered weeks ago - a set of weights, from 1kg - 3kg, making it weigh, let me see... 12kg! I left it in the porch for JR to carry in when she came home.

The back room is being used as a gym. JR has been doing lots of fitness videos (not Joe Wicks) and suggested mirrors along the wall, but I put my foot down at that.

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