Barney-coloured flower
Big work day again. There is a certain level of panic at all my clients to get contracts signed before… Then they don’t specify before what. No time for philosophising about that though – just review, amend, dispatch, and repeat.
Mr B is, of course, being a total star. Since I shouldn’t really leave the house, he is doing all the shopping, and all the cooking. Working long days is made much easier by knowing that when the Signal message “Dinner” arrives (we have a big house and shouting is so aggressive. One day I will get a dinner gong, but until then Signal will suffice) there will be something fabulously tasty and a big glass of evening relaxation on the table.
This is the first hardy geranium of the year. The title is a reference to a long dispute in our house regarding the colour of Barney, the Dinosaur, who was a favourite of TallGirl's about 17 years ago. I can't even remember now who thought he was pink, and who thought he was purple. All I know is that I was wrong.
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