Another precious .....

...... moment !
Yes it is Palm Sunday can't remember the last time I wasn't at church to receive my Palm Cross! However it is what it is and without technology I wouldn't have been able to join in the service provided ( in these unsure CV19 times). It was lovely with seasonal hymns too. I must say St Matthews Passion always brings a tear to my eye, makes me feel bad when Jesus was alone on that awful day still being able to say " Not my will but yours Lord".
I think of the many folks who still flout the advise re 1 walk a day / social distancing and only essential travel for work or food/ medicines . What an example they are setting , can they say " not my way but those in authority 's directives ". I'll leave that for you to decide.
I've had a fun afternoon with the family ( daughters up north / south) and myself did a quiz , for fun , it was lovely to join in as if we were together face to face. Necessity is the Mother of invention, never a truer word was spoken and it all comes into action at times like these , let's hope this experience will be short lived and life will gradually get on track with a more compassionate society. It has been a lovely day do hope you've all taken advantage of it in your GARDENS!
Keep safe everyone

Grateful ..... for technology

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