Reaching for something in the distance
So after working flat out in the garden and allotment yesterday - and suffering last night with aching hands; I promised myself a day of rest.
However, after gazing from the front window at my very messy border, I decided it had to be tackled.
Tooli bought me one of these Kneeling frames for Christms, I cannot tell you how good it is. Rather than doing a rather inelegant legs apart and push up from under.... Very nice for the people standing behind me.(not)
So I set about clearing the grass with my little trowel and tool. I worked one peice at at time, being mindful of not expecting too much at one time.
I freed up a load of soil which was grand, and I was able to rid the ground of a lot of waste material - and then plant some seedlings which I put in last year, and three plants which I bought for 25p from Morrison at the end of the season last year.
and now, I can sit and relax knowing that as people walk past they are looking at my painted stones, my hopscotch bed, and NOT the messy weeds everywhere.
Book is still unwritten
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