Feeling Guilty
-that I had to disturb Mrs Sheep here sheltering under the stile. Gently approached from the right to encourage her away. She did move- see extra, the lamb was so wee I think it might have been born here. Sorry Mum.
A 5km walk up to the old tower and round "Keep Out " Crook Hall Farm before a Zoom curry night in with A&G. Passed no-one. Mr P enjoyed his 12km round trip to Staveley so much he did it again to buy batteries for the motion sensor camera plus limes and chillies for the dinner.
Day 20
708 deaths today. I missed the daily announcement but it's forecast to be hot and sunny so I'm guessing the parks in towns will be full. So pleased I have a large choice of routes with no people. Son M is in Norway which closed schools and Universities before us but he's allowed to drive to go skiing, although he does live on the very remote west coast. The city dwellers with second homes were all summoned back home, like in the UK. Watching Sweden with interest, they had not closed schools last time I looked but this may be out of date. M will be able to update me.
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