Picturesque Dereliction

Here I go, plundering my neighbour's yard for a blip, yet again.
It's been a while since anybody went in this shed, as it's packed to the gunwales, though the tv aerial would suggest that there was a time when it might have been a tv room.
It was tricky getting an angle on it through the bushes.

A rare address from the Queen at Windsor Castle was filmed by a lone cameraman dressed in full-body protective equipment.

Boris Johnson was admitted to hospital for tests after suffering persistent coronavirus symptoms 10 days after testing positive for the virus.

The liner 'Ruby Princess', which is responsible for 600 cases of covid-19 and 3 deaths in Australia, docked at Port Kembla.

A tiger in the Bronx Zoo has tested positive to coronavirus. It is thought he contracted it from his keeper.

Indigenous communities in far-western NSW have appealed to the Berejiklian government to restrict travel to their region.

Confirmed Cases   5 687
Deaths                           34

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