
By Madchickenwoman

Happy Hen

Lovely start to the day on the allotment. Only one hen interested in the sprouted broccoli! Had another digging  the potato bed and gave some eggs and had a bit of a chat with Brummie Girls partner then back to collect Oscar for his play in the field. He had a grand time playing with his football and a tennis ball. I videoed it for my sister - a taste of the great outdoors for her! 
On the way home I collected wood and coal from the garage - they had tightened up the procedure, only one person in at a time and exit through the side door.
Once home I finally cooked the roast I'd been intending to do all week! 
Oscar had four walks today - Spring sure has put a spring in his step! He had a toilet walk at the beginning and end of the day, his hour in the field then a late afternoon walk of about 45 minutes! I'm shattered! I'm also bizarrely settled given the lockdown and virus. I think partly it's having the house back to myself after 2 months of people in my kitchen and a lot of mess! I'm beginning to pick up the old rhythm  of my life, which was fairly isolated before! Even more bizarrely my stomach seems a lot more settled, only occasionally flaring up for the part of a day. I guess the virus has put a perspective on my health anxieties. I only get a bit rattled when my sister phones and regales me with virus news! I am having pangs of guilt at not volunteering with the council, but I don't want to put myself at risk by meeting people. I am meeting more people in the woods as it is! As I am prone to getting very wheezy when I get a cold and have an asthma inhaler, the thought of catching the virus does frighten me when I allow myself to think of it. But there is no point worrying about catching it, just take sensible precautions when out and keep busy the rest of the time and only stay informed with  news via sky news on my phone. It may be a little like an ostrich putting its head in the sand, but for my mental well being I think living my life in my own little bubble is best for now.

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