lemon and pavlova
I went out 9am to my local CooP. When I got there it was ok but soon filled up and the men just kept walking past without a care! very little keeping to the 2m distancing, I won't go there again!
Had a lovely Skype call with the besties and then I went a walk. I had a bag of shower gel and body lotion (a locally retired intensive care nurse had requested it for staff as after 14 hours in the PPE they have a shower and their skin is so dry) to drop off. I walked home through the village and the new cafe was open selfing fruit, veg and groceries. I treated myself to a meal a delicious pudding and some fruit and veg and this massive lemon. It is a mini rugby ball!!!
Thank you for all the comments and stars
A bit late but Ive put a picture of Matt and Sahara dancing on FaceTime, as an extra, its not brilliant.
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