Action Shot

A productive day interspersed with the annoyance of a shopping run, a lot of people still  being incredibly selfish and just plain stupid.

I've started an online diploma course, it's a long time since I did anything academic, so I spent a lot of today watching and reading tutorials on how to write factual essays properly. When that got too much we planted out some bulbs and played ball with Missy.
Certainly no sign of any warm weather in our corner of the world today.

Then as I was cooking supper a lot of commotion from the Mischief. Normally it means she's seen a rabbit, or worse  her new nemesis, the cock pheasant. It took me a while to see what had her agitated, but then I saw this little chap, 30ft up and jumping from branch to branch in the canopy, so agile and fast.

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