There must be a joke...

...about tree fellers but I can't think of it right now!

After a wild and stormy night last night, we woke to a remarkably pleasant day. I cleaned a bathroom including floor mopping while the big 3 went swimming. Lunch then a quick shopping trip for Ally and me while Ben did the chickens.

We had planned to do gardening stuff. In October 2011, our friend Pete started felling the wrong some trees for us. He got one down to a 4m ish 'stump' and the other was bald to about 4m then bushy!

We went down today planning on finishing the stump only to find the top heavy tree was swaying very precariously in the wind and lifting the ground! So here you have it, both down and mostly processed with a fire started to try and get rid of some of the leaves.

Only one left to 'prune' at the moment :-( once that is done I might have to advertise my services as chainsaw tree felleress...

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