Lent 2020 day 38

’Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?’ (Isaiah 58:6)

Despite the tragedy, uncertainty and chaos around... I think my kids are finding this a time of freedom... (they’re in no way oppressed normally!) But it’s lovely that they’re able to wander about, sit and chat to each other and their family and friends (whether in person or virtually), learn about their world and be creative without any targets to hit, paperwork to be completed or pressure to “succeed” - whatever that means! I suspect, they will look back on this time with very different memories to mine! And with a lot more knowledge about the wildlife in Rectory Park than they previously had (thanks Mum and Dad!).

Earnest Maswera writes:

“Florence is a farmer who has been unable to farm. Her small plot of land in Zimbabwe is now a barren, sun-scorched place. ‘The last time I went to till my land was in early 2018… all my crops died because of this drought,’ Florence says.

We know that creation is groaning. We know that we haven’t treated creation with the care that such a gift deserves. And it’s people like Florence – people living in poverty – who are paying the price.

But together, we can help. Through local churches, Tearfund is running Bible-based courses that give practical tips on how to be more self-reliant. Florence was trained in how to extend her business into chicken farming, making her less dependent on crops.

Yet life is still fragile for Florence and countless others like her. They need the practical help and spiritual hope that the church can offer.

Lord Jesus,
Thank you for your everlasting hope and your life-changing love. Help us all to bring that hope and love to people in need. Amen.”

(Ernest is Tearfund’s Country Director for Zimbabwe)

Tearfund have launched an appeal this Lent to empower and enrich the lives of more people like Florence. In these challenging times, we need your help more than ever if we are to continue following Jesus where the need is greatest. If you feel led to give, or to find out more, please visit tearfund.org/lentappeal.

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