My life

By pops

Day 14! Last day of isolation!!

Up again this morning to do PE with Joe, I ‘forgot’ it was fancy dress Friday so ended up in trouble with Thomas who dressed as a bee and wanted to know what I’d dressed as.
Well that’s it after today I can go out to shop and take some exercise once a day! Freedom if that’s what you can call it.
Monday I return to work, not to the DGH where I usually work as our area is being taken over by the adult world but to the local Children’s Hospital. I have been spared ICU as Gemma works there and it’s not really appropriate for us to work together, I’ve been allocated to the area that is going to act as paediatric HDU so still working with poorly patients but not those needing ventilators and not adults. the biggest upside to this is that I may get to ‘see’ Gemma a little closer than from the end of the garden path, especially as we may end up car sharing occasionally.
Fairly inactive day today, decided to photograph a flower for flower Friday, this hydrangea is what Gemma and co bought me for Mother’s Day, I’ve moved it outside but really need to find somewhere to plant it out

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