April Snow

It had snowed over night, and a cold day today.  It's been breezy, but calm tonight.  A day of sunshine, and warm when out of that breeze.

Another day working in the living room.  Along with my usual work, I've been scanning aunt Binnie's photos too, and donating some to the museum.  Some really great family snaps turning up.  Walkies with Sammy this evening, and then a glass of wine with friends, via video chats.  Feet up by the fire now. 

There was quiet a bit of snow first thing, and I imagined it would stay all day.  I nipped out about 10am with washing, and most of the snow had thawed, due to the warming sun.  There was still patches where the sun hadn't reached.  We'll probably get more snow, when the lambing season starts.  Taken from my garden, looking down over Scalloway.  

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