And the World Alright with you

This has been a funny day.  

It's weird this Social Isolation, and distancing. 

It's weird how they said it, and we all started doing it.  

We walk away from people on the pavement, we wait til someone has passed a respectful distance before we start walking behind them

We wave at neighbours from our windows. 

We work at home, despite the craziness and discomfort.

one room in the house becomes the office - and we stay away from it in downtime. 

It's exhausting. 

We walked tonight.  Twice we walked past people, and they stepped back to let us go. 

What is it about the human race which makes us so compliant?   

if we were invaded by aliens would we be this compliant?   

Are we in flight or fight mode? 

In order news, Si  planted tomatoes which didn't seem to want to grow.  These were from seeds which he took from tomataes which we grew last year, and made loads of passata from  - they were in soil for ages and nothing happened.   Si left them on top of the boiler - nothing happened.  

Then sat them o n the table after a week of non-action and then 


Look at all the tomataes

Did I tell you I hate the evil taemataes? 


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