Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj


It was grey and cold this morning. Jenny sent a message to say that the wind was particularly cold and cutting so I put on winter gear before going for a walk.

I did a road walk from home. Farmers in the north have asked that we should refrain from walking on their land at the moment. They are in the middle of lambing and are afraid they may pick up infection from gates.

This is a tricky one. I love my walks in the surrounding fields. I also know that lambing is a very stressful time and that the farmers will be tired and anxious. Many work single handed or with little help, so they can't get ill.

Finding walks on the road is also tricky. Many of the minor roads around here are narrow and not very safe for walking. On the other hand there are fewer cars out. I could drive for 5 minutes and walk in a wood where there are no gates and no sheep. 

I also understand the need for rules that work for everyone, which is difficult when you are dealing with urban and rural settings.

Keeping safe is the main thing and avoiding any spread of infection. I met more people today than I do in the fields. One farmer's wife suggested a walk I could do where there is no lambing and  I am grateful for that.

On today's walk:
I met a man who had a beautifully tidy border with not a weed in sight.
I saw a man vacuuming his garage (must have been very bored)
I talked to Sarah who lives in the old chapel next door and was very upbeat about her sudden loss of income
Arth hated being on tarmac all the time, but he will just have to "man up"!
I saw the first cowslips.
The wind dropped, the sun came out and I was soaked with sweat by the time I arrived home!!

Margaret (across the road) did some shopping for me.

I made corned beef hash for tea. Very tasty it was too.

I am fascinated by the possible correlation between countries that have compulsory BCG and lower rates of coronavirus infection. It needs exploring. 

Despite the government's reassurances I still hear that staff without the correct ppe are told not to go to resuscitate patients with the virus. Where is all the ppe going to???

We are fine. Hope you are too.

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