Bees Apis Mellifera

Yes things back to abnormal as they were before the 1st of April I can now breathe as Hollypops is home throwing her toys all over the place climbing on chairs yes being a happy little Holly. just been told the ECG was clear so now she isn't Epileptic unless she has another seizure  then she will be referred to a special clinic. not sure what I feel now.
Anyways she is happy little bunny being at home so we must go with that.
BEES I got some good photos of bee's tongues it is a tube with fingers on the end and a extra of the hive and the lady pollen collectors think they have  been told of a shortage by the size of the leg bags. and some of just how cute they look all furry but that's only the fresh bees as they get older the hairs fall out.

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