
I'm going to record my day as it happened today, so I can look back on it at some point and compare.....
8.30     My turn for breakfast in bed so I enjoyed my porridge with a couple of chapters of another of my Anita Shreve's, which I haven't read in several years.  They are intelligent easy reading so pretty good in times like these.
9.30     Up and about.  I filled the bird feeders, watered the rockery and the flower pots.
10.30     We sat down with our cuppas for Pop Master and I put a few pieces in my jigsaw.
11.00     Time for my daily walk whilst Tony headed up to the allotment.  I called off at the pond to feed the ducks:  mallards mainly with a couple of coots nervously paddling around the edges.  My usual quiet track was busy with a mountain biker, followed by a runner followed by a couple of walkers so I hung out in the brambles till they were through, but there was no one on the moor when I crossed over.
11.50     I popped in to blip Tony in the greenhouse, potting up a whole range of seeds, enjoyed the wallflowers; tulips and the frogspawn and marsh marigolds in the pond before heading home to put on the oven to reheat the remains of the lasagne (always better for a reheating, something to do with the conversion of the carbs) and use the time to catch up with Joe Wicks' workout.
13.00     Lunch and a bit more jigsawwing, then Tony returned to the allotment and I watched 'London Kills' then washed the hearth, hoovered and washed the living room floor, then collected several animals to go in the window for tomorrow's Neighbourhood Window Walk.  I had to find the stepladder and go up in to the loft for the 'Christmas plank' which creates a shelf in the window - for the animals to sit on.
15.30     I was prevented from doing any further cleaning (shucks!) by Becky messaging to say how about a family catch up zoom?  I sought out Tony in the allotment to give him the news.
16.00     A lovely long visit with Jenny, Becky and Euan who was on fine form playing 'Where's Euan' with us and giggling and smiling throughout.  It keeps me going.  A dinosaur, penguin, rabbit and brain cell all featured in the conversation.
17.00     Waved goodbye to the family and set about preparing the vegetables for dinner.  Tony is cooking tonight and it is sea bass with potatoes done in the Tefal.
And that is where I am just now!  Not really all that different to a normal day here, except for Joe Wicks and the isolation exercise bit.

Keep safe and well Blippers.  Don't let this weekend's predicted good weather lead you in to socialising!

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