We've had a drop of rain this afternoon
not quite as much as I would have liked, the garden is really dry but beggars can't be choosers. :- )
A very peaceful morning up on the allotment. I lifted, well prized the soil apart would be more apt, on a feed of leeks for tonight's meal. Moved some soil, straightened up the hoops for the blueberry netting protection, then started to cleaning up the pots of cuttings. I don't have enough J.Innes No3 so had to use multi purpose to pot on & top dress most of the cuttings, a few did'nt take, phlox mainly. I'll get a box of food from the hardware store tomorrow, &give them a treat. All should be tickety boo & dandy after another session. Plenty of odd jobs to do, plastic pots to clean, veg seed to plant. Back home for lunch .. A kitchen cupboard tidy up ... Does anyone else hoard jam jars? Mine are now in a box in the shed. Hubby tidied the shed yesterday so was'nt happy. I do have a couple of hoards in the shed already, but not jam jars.
The magnolia stellata is in the neighbours garden. I was in the shed turned around and a pigeon one of our regular visitors was perched on the top of the fence, wing vertical, enjoying the rain. Reminded me of a human having a shower ... We had a little chat about how refreshing it was.
Roast duck with baby veggies tonight ... Baby veggies are so on trend, so I guess my stunted swede, parsnip, & leeks will hit the brief.
Stay safe. x
Thanks to BikerBear/Anni for hosting Flower Friday
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