
By Floraine

My lovely 0- blood

This is only my second blood donation. Beginning as a medical necessity (haemochromatosis management) , I realise I should have done it sooner as I have 0- blood. The things you don’t know or forget! So here I am during the Covid lockdown. I am sporting a mask which I bought when I thought I might still be able to continue my
clinic and my sunshine cycle glasses given to me by Julie after my dad died to bring some rays of sunlight into my life. It’s amazing how sunny the blood waiting room seems. The list is fully booked with bored blood donors. I thought I was well equipped to brave a shop to buy some flour - no flour - why is everyone making bread? Or is it because home schoolers are being home bakers? It’s mad. I just want to make pizza! So I am fully loaded on the way home with Easter eggs as I reckon these will be impossible to get on my next on line no shop!

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