Frozen peas

Help! Are there any 'Blip doctors' out there? Ann is incapacitated! She has hurt her foot. It has swollen up and she cannot put any weight whatsoever on it. She can't even touch it without crying! She is lying on the bed with a packet of frozen peas on it. Even though I'm a bit wet (raining again) she's put an old towel on the bed and I'm keeping her company.

Wherever this idea of 'frozen peas on swollen body parts' came from; it's rubbish! It's not working!!

This is what happened:

Ann took me for my morning walk and then went to work. She spent most of the morning on her feet and her foot felt a little bit sore but nothing worth worrying about. But then, this afternoon she got up from her desk to use the photocopier and she could hardly walk. Her colleagues inspected it and found it to be really swollen so she hopped next door to 'Boots' for advice.

The pharmacist gave her some 'voltarol pain-eze' which she rubbed on (that hasn't worked either) and told her to rest with her feet up and put a packet of frozen peas on it.

Well, what happened then was; Ann couldn't get her boot back on because her foot had swollen up so much. And Yvonne (who was looking after me) was bringing me to the office at 5pm so that I could walk home with Ann. Anyway a colleague brought Ann home, Yvonne brought me home and that's why we're both lying on the bed.

..................But things are not getting any better and Ann's worrying about how she's going to manage to take me out later for my bedtime wee?! She's having to crawl around on all fours and hop at the moment.

The only thing that seems to be happening is ............................................. the frozen peas are melting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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