'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell


Today I gave myself some much needed TLC. There is a real difference between 'pressure' and 'stress' and yesterday I had to admit to myself that what I was feeling was stress and not pressure. The first 3 weeks back at school, after Christmas, have not been as smooth as I would have liked for various reasons and being ready to be in bed by 8pm is not a great sign! So I took myself on a 'date' away from it all today.

The day began with a cup of tea in bed, a stomp around the fields with the dogs before getting ready to go into the 'city'. Living in the middle of nowhere makes going into Plymouth or Exeter a 'big' deal! Today it was Plymouth.

A relaxed couple of hours was spent browsing and shopping in the city centre where the beautiful Dunoon mug, in the picture above, was found before heading to the cinema complex. With no problems finding a parking space I had plenty of time to pick up my film ticket and take myself to lunch at Frankie and Benny's. After my experiences last year in London, I have learnt to enjoying go out for a meal by myself. Armed with a book and plenty of time, I was able to relax and enjoy my spaghetti carbonara without interruptions enjoying the extra care and attention I was receiving from the staff.

This was followed by being completely captivated for over 2 hours by the magic of 'The Life of Pi'. It was visually breathtaking and the story was as moving as it was when I read the book. I was not disappointed. This was also the first time I have watched a film in 3d - amazing.

Now I am back home where the rain held off long enough for me to enjoy walking the dogs and a game of fetch with Millie's long lost favourite ball and rope which seemed to magically reappear. A quiet evening ahead starting with a bath, no screens and a good book.

Today has been just what I needed!

Three beautiful things:
Today's sunrise - the sky was glorious.
'Me' time

One thing to be grateful for:
Having my pets - they do make me laugh and smile

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