Proud Weegie

By Shiv


Dancing for No 1 and No 3 this morning. Afterwards No 1 took her little sister to town by bus to buy new ballet shoes and a sneaky trip for a McFlurry. Mr S wasn't too sure about this - seems his apron strings are tougher than mine!

I sneaked off for a blether and a mug of tea and 2 hours of peace to get my grey bits attended to. I am now 36 once again and not the old lady with the badger stripe on her head that I was this morning.

Quiet house on my return. So decided to book tickets for me and my two favourite teenagers to go see Les Mis at the IMAX near us tonight.

No 1 has her work placement this week - and an excuse to buy some office clobber.

Here's No 1 and No 3 trying to look 'Miserable' (No 3 had the giggles again).

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