Day 10 A bird's eye view

Today Mr MC and I decided to brave a visit to our nearest supermarket, Waitrose.  We were in luck as the queues were short today and also the shelves were well stocked, including toilet rolls!  Who'd have thought a month ago that one would be excited by the sight of shelves filled with loo rolls!
Of course Waitrose are following all the rules to protect both staff and customers, but the number of folk who do not seem to have grasped the concept of social distancing is quite astonishing: quite a few times we had to turn round and reroute, or just turn away as people walked directly towards us.  We wore masks and gloves, which we are lucky enough to have due to Mr MC's occupation.  I can only say that I marvel that anyone can actually undertake the skilled surgical jobs that they do, wearing these as I found myself quite sweaty and uncomfortable quite quickly, but apparently you do get used to them. 
Back at home, with bags and shopping all wiped down, I had a look through my camera set up to view the garden. Only the larger birds came near enough to get a reasonable shot and this pigeon won out by hanging around the longest.
In extras, I'm including a photo which obviously I didn't take myself due to the lockdown, showing Violet cheerfully dressed for her daily walk.  It does seem so strange not seeing her when usually she is such a big part of our daily lives.

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