
Another gorgeous day , Himself and I went off for a long trek to Payne's Ford again. You walk through dense bush and woodland, the river on one side and huge craggy cliffs, usually swarming with climbers now silent, on the other. Sometimes you emerge into pasture and 
other times you are bombarded  by enormous Kiwi pigeons. An added attraction was the placing of 25 teddies, continuing the fun for children and adults alike.
We Skyped Will who is settling into isolation and has converted the top room in his shared house into a gym! Fairy lights and all.
A spot of gardening in the arvo then a walk around the rec with Esme who was looking delightful in frilly culottes,
My blip is one for Miranda's wildflower challenge, not a clue what it is but it was growing happily in the roadside and attracting the attention of butterflies.

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